TTE works together with the Center of Excellence in Product and Process of Cordoba (CEPRO COR), in the development of Biodegradable Dielectric Cooling Fluids, which are non-toxic and produced from natural oils for its use in electrical transformers.

As part of the project the company carried out several research studies and tests in laboratory scale for the development of different vegetable oil based fluids (FDRBio®) with high content of acid esters, obtaining FDRBio® from peanut oil, sunflower oil, and the mixture of both; complying with ASTM D6871-03 standard, known as "Standard Specification for Natural -Vegetable Oil- Ester Fluids Used in Electrical Transformers".

Nowadays there is a trial plant for the production of vegetable oil working in the Villa Paez facility and distribution transformers operating with this type of oil are being monitored by an independent entity.

Last September 2nd, 2009 the project has been awarded by Cordoba's Government with the Prize "Gobernador Dr. Ramón Bautista Mestre" under the category of Innovation, where TTE competed with other 17 projects.
TUBOS TRANS ELECTRIC // Av. Sucre 2425, 2nd Floor 12, Edificio Avellanas - BĂ©ccar, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Phone: +54.11.4723.3362 // Dr. Eliseo Cantón 2342 - Córdoba - Argentina Phone: +54.351.489.4545
Last Update: 04/07/2010 14:15hs        Copyright 2009-2010. Tubos Trans Electric SA