Tubos Trans Electric has already started with the delivery of the transformers that will allow the construction of new transforming stations.

Tubos Trans Electric has already started with the delivery of the transformers that will allow the construction of new transforming stations.

(Córdoba, February 2017). - Tubos Trans Electric is near to deliver the fourth of seven awarded transformers. In March 2016, the Provincial Energy Company of Cordoba (Epec) signed the award for the purchase of 7 TTE power transformers. The equipment will be used for the construction of new transforming stations. These works are part of the Five-Year Plan 2015-2019 for the capital and central zone of Cordoba for a total of 1,100 million Argentinean pesos in the next two years.

The capacities of the transformers involved are 40/55 MVA 132/13 kV and 86/10 kV. The provision also contemplates gas detector equipment and spare parts for the transformers. These transformers will improve the electric service in different sectors of the province.

TUBOS TRANS ELECTRIC // Av. Sucre 2425, 2nd Floor 12, Edificio Avellanas - Béccar, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Phone: +54.11.4723.3362 // Dr. Eliseo Cantón 2342 - Córdoba - Argentina Phone: +54.351.489.4545
Last Update: 04/07/2010 14:15hs        Copyright 2009-2010. Tubos Trans Electric SA